Oh, who doesn’t love Valentine’s Day?
The flowers, the chocolate, and the dinner out. Of course, having lived through forty-nine Valentine’s Days with my hubby, I am happy waiting until February 15th. The very same chocolates are reduced fifty percent, the dinner out is not rushed, the waiters are not in a frenzy, and the flowers are still perky.
So, to make Valentine’s Day dinner easy breezy I defrost a delicious pot pie. Warm it up and serve with a nice salad. And maybe cupid will do the dishes.

And to make cupid’s job easier, our waffle weave towels are generously sized at 20”x30”. In 100% cotton, these towels are super absorbent, and the waffle weave scoops up spills. You can take advantage of this temporary great low price. Available in green or red.
Or browse all things pink, red and lovely for a colorful Valentine’s Day or special occasion
And this is how to make any day feel like Valentine’s Day:
Make a linen lavender relaxation pillow. I used a lacy handkerchief. You can embroider or embellish the hankie prior to sewing. First, fold it into thirds. Then, sew it on three sides, like the letter U. Next, leave the top open and add in the lavender. Finish by sewing the top closed. You can either use all lavender or a mixture of cotton and lavender.
Lavender Relaxation Pillow
Treat yourself to lavender’s relaxing scent. Breath in, let the lavender aroma soothe you. Lie down in a quiet place every day for a few minutes and give yourself the gift of relaxation.

View an assortment of lace handkerchiefs from our sister site at Flax & Thimble.
So, whether you get the biggest or smallest bouquet, or none at all, what matters is the size of your sweetie’s heart.
Cupid has got his arrow pointed at you. You decide whether you want to duck or not.
Happy Valentine’s Day from all of The Larmor Clan & the entire Ulster Linen staff